Frequently Asked Questions
At this time I do have available space and I am taking new clients.
I make a limited number of sliding scale appointments available to those impacted by adoption trauma and to those in the LGBTQ+ communities.
If my availability changes I will post the updated information here on this page.
Last updated: July | 2024
5 Reasons We Resist Therapy
(and 4 Reasons We Shouldn’t).
There may be no quick fix,
but consider the cost of doing nothing.
Weekdays – 11 AM. / 6 PM.
I am sometimes available on weekends – 11 AM. / 2 PM.
Please ask if you require alternate scheduling.
Services & Fees
Psychotherapy: Individual ~ $140. / Couples Therapy ~ $190.
Somatic Psychotherapy (Bodywork): Appointments are approximately 90 minutes ~ $175.
*Note: Bodywork sessions were on hold due to covid distancing recommendations; thanks everyone for your understanding and patience during that difficult time. It is now safe to see clients in-person and safe to schedule Bodywork appointments; I look forward to working with you.
Do you specialise or have particular areas of professional focus?
Yes, I have both personal and professional experience with loss and challenges inherent in adoption and also within LGBTQ2+ communities.
Payment Options
Cash or e-Transfer.
Clients may obtain coverage via their private or work related insurance plans.
Check with your provider for your coverage status.
Payment at, or before, each session is greatly appreciated.
Psychotherapy Services Now Recognized as a Medical Expense.
The Canada Revenue Agency has recently recognized the cost of non-reimbursed services provided by Registered Psychotherapists as a medical expense eligible for tax credit (I do provide receipts).
*NEW: As of June 20, 2024 psychotherapy services are now also GST/HST exempt making, these vital services more accessible.
See CRA website for details. Services are not covered by OHIP
5 Ways to Get The Most Out of Therapy
I offer a free 15-20 minute phone or video consultation.
During the consultation I will ask you questions about your expectations, goals and previous therapy experiences; the purpose being to help determine if we think we are a good therapist/client fit.
I encourage clients also ask clarifying questions in order to help determine for themselves if they think we are a good fit.
Intake Form
I will ask you to fill out an Intake Form. This will cover necessary contact information as well as anything relevant to your therapy that you wish to share with me. This can be filled out online before our first session or in-office during the session. Everything of course is held in secure and strictest confidentiality. Signing and dating a Telecommunication Consent Form is also required for online appointments .

Avenue Road & Dupont Street area
~ Free street parking
~ 6 minute walk west from Summerhill subway
or Avenue Road bus, northbound and southbound, stops in front of my building.
Building is wheelchair accessible + a 1 floor elevator ride
(or 1 flight of stairs) to my office.
phone ~ 416 . 966 . 5100
email ~ gm(at)graigmoriarty(dot)com